Today, November 03, 2005, we discussed many different things. We began by discussing Aristotle who was the teacher of Alexander the Great. His name means "excellent" and was the inventor of botany and the study of animals. His teacher, Plato, founded the Academy and some believe was the student of Socrates. Plato's name literally means, 'broad shoulder'. We also discussed politics and what that word means. It was decided that politics is an organized movement and is hierarchal. It is symbolic and linguistic. Human beings are animals, but political by nature. We concluded the class by discussing the Hellenistic Age. It lasted from 4th Century BC to 1AD. Alexander the Great was the head guy in the 4th century BC and throughout this time Rome was on the rise. There were four ideas of Metropolitan life that we discussed. These were characteristics of the 'good life. First is cynicism, which is the desire or want of nothing. These people don't' get there hopes up. They stand there and do nothing, but remain happy. Next we have the skeptics. They question everything in desire for the truth. The last two, Epicureanism and Stoicism we did not reach in class, but were promised a good discussion on them in the following class.