GEN/PHI 333. Theories of Gender & Sexuality
Prof. Kyoo Lee, 524 West 59th St. Rm 8.63.15, Dept. of Philosophy, John Jay College, CUNY
Office Hours: by Appointment
Some Classical/Contemporary Texts You're
Encouraged to
Read Cover to Cover and
Write About As Main Part of Your Research Paper. 

An Extra Credit of Up to 5 Points Applicable. 
John Jay Library has copies. 

@ Linda Alcoff. Visible Identities : race, gender, and the self
@ Simone de Beauovir. The Second Sex
@ Judith Butler. Gender Trouble
@ Nancy Chodorow. Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities:
Freud and Beyond
@ Patricia Hill Collins. Black Feminist Thought:
knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment
@ Ken Corbett, Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities
@ Ann Cudd and Nancy Holmstrom, Capitalism, For and Against: A Feminist Debate
@ Michel Foucault. The History of Sexuality
@ Marilyn French, From Eve to Dawn : a history of women
Vol.2: The Masculine Mystique
@ Sander Gilman. Freud, Race and Gender
@ bell hooks.  Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism
@ Michael Kimmel. Men's Lives
@ Martha Nussbaum. From Disgust to Humanity : Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law
@ Kelly Oliver. Women as Weapons of War: Iraq, Sex and the Media
@ Alan Soble, The Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings
@ Alice Walker.  In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose


I. INTRODUCTION: Some Theoretical Questions

First Day (01/30)

Introduction: Sex, Gender, Identity, Sexuality (02/06)
Fausto-Sterling, "The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough"
Lambada Legal/National LGBT Health Education Center, Glossary of LGBTQ Terms/Glossary of LGBT Terms for Heath Care Teams
Rich. "Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Experience"
Young."Throwing Like a Girl: A Phenomenology of Feminine Body Comportment Motility and Spatiality"
Corbett, Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities
Corbett and O'Connell. Ken Corbett And Mark O'Connell Discuss Gender, Bullying And More
Stryker and Silverman, Screaming Queens
Jennie Livingston, Paris is Burning
Jones, "How My Mom Learned to Love Her Son"
Supplementary Reading: Dockray, "Why Celebrated Brooklyn's "Paris is Burning" Screeing Sparked a Fire on Facebook"
Supplementary Reading: Chanter. The Picture of Abjection: Film, Fetish, and the Nature of Difference
Supplementary Reading: Chodorow, "Gender as a Personal and Cultural Construction."
Supplementary Reading: Foucault. "What is called "punishing"?"
Supplementary Reading: Jacobsen, "My Sexual Regulation? Family Values and Social Movements,"


The Personal is Theoretical? (02/15)
Chanter. "Chapter 1: Formative Moments and Concepts in the History of Feminism." Gender: Key Concepts
Friedan. "The Problem That Has No Name."
Flax. "Women Do Theory."
Frye. "Oppression."
Lugones and Spelman."Have We Got a Theory for You! [...]'"
Kimmel. "Who's Afraid of Men Doing Feminism?"
Supplementary Reading: Canner, Orgasm, Inc (film)
Supplementary Reading: Lugones. "Playfulness, "World"-Travelling, and Loving Perception"
Supplementary Reading: The New School, Conference on The Body and the State: How the State Controls and Protects the Body (Conference)
Supplementary Reading: Spelman on "Philosophers do Talk About Sex."

The Theoretical is Scientific? (02/27) 
Fausto-Sterling. "the Five Sexes"
Tuana. "Coming to Understand: Orgasm and the Epistemology of Ignorance."
Soble. "Masturbation: Conceptual and Ethical Matters"
Alcoff. "Epistemologies of Ignorance: Three Types"
Foucault. "Scientia Sexualis." The History of Sexuality (summary: do read the whole book, three volumes, if further interested.)
Supplementary Reading: Bordo. "What is a Phallus?." The Male Body
Supplementary Reading: Emily Zakin,"Psychoanalytic Feminism"
Supplementary: Reading: Hale. "Are Lesbians Women?"
Supplementary Reading: (on) Lacan. "Symbolic, Real, Imaginary"

Personal, Theoretical, Differential ... (03/06)
Lorde. "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House."
Alcoff.  "Cultural Feminism Versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity Crisis in Feminist Theory."
Collins. "Towards an Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology."
Haraway. "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century."
Smith. "'Queer Theory' Is Entering The Literary Mainstream" (NYTimes, 1998)
Jones, "How My Mom Learned to Love Her Son" (NYTimes, 2017)
Smith, Andrea. "Queer Theory and Native Studies: Heteronormativity of Settler Colonialism"
Supplementary Reading: Butler and Talyor. From Examined Life (Video, 2008)


Coming to Be (Identified as/Disciplined into) X (03/13)
Chanter. "Ch3: Disciplining, Controlling and Normalizing Female sexuality with Foucault and Feminist Friends." Gender: Key Concepts
de Beauvoir. "Introduction. " The Second Sex.
Wittig. "One Is Not Born a Woman"
Corbett, Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities
Foucault. "Docile Bodies"
Stryker and Silverman, Screaming Queens
Jennie Livingston, Paris is Burning
Jones, "How My Mom Learned to Love Her Son"
Supplementary Reading: Dockray, "Why Celebrated Brooklyn's "Paris is Burning" Screeing Sparked a Fire on Facebook"

Cannot/Desire/Need to Be X (03/20)
Butler. "Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire"
Crenshaw. "Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics."
Corbett, Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities
Spade. "Documenting Gender"
Stryker and Silverman, Screaming Queens
Jennie Livingston, Paris is Burning
Jones, "How My Mom Learned to Love Her Son"
Supplementary Reading: Dockray, "Why Celebrated Brooklyn's "Paris is Burning" Screeing Sparked a Fire on Facebook"
Supplementary Reading: Butler. "Doing Justice to Someone: Sex Assignment and Allegories of Transsexuality."


Marry and Merry Thereafter? (03/27)
Pateman."Feminism and the Marriage Contract."
Rubin. "The Traffic in Women: Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex."
Chanter. "Ch2: Feminism and Marxism: The Usefulness and the Limitations of Parallel Models." Gender: Key Concepts

Performing One's Gender (04/03)
Butler. "Bodily Inscriptions, Performative Subversions."
Halberstam. "Transgender Butch: Butch/FTM Border Wars and the Masculine Continuum."
Cohen. "Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical. Potential of Queer Politics?"
Corbett, Boyhoods: Rethinking Masculinities
Stryker and Silverman, Screaming Queens
Jennie Livingston, Paris is Burning
Supplementary Reading: Dockray, "Why Celebrated Brooklyn's "Paris is Burning" Screeing Sparked a Fire on Facebook"
Supplementary Reading: Butler on "a Man Who Lived in Maine ... and He Walked Down ..." (Youtube Clip)
Supplementary Reading: Simmons. Transgeneration (Youtube Clip)
Supplementary Reading: Stewart, Toemageddon 2011: This Little Piggy Went to Hell. (Video Clip)