PHI 231. Knowing, Being and Doing: Philosophical Method and Its Applications
Prof. Kyoo Lee, Suite 325-4, Dept. of Art, Music and Philosophy, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Office Hours: T/Th 11:00am - 12:30pm
<Useful Web References>
Bulletin Board for Libraries
Columbia Encyclopedia
Dictionary of History of Ideas
Gutenberg, Project
Internet Encyclo of Phil
Literary and Rhetorical Terms
Stanford Encyclo of Phil; Voice of the Shuttle
Thinkmap: visual thesaurus                                                                      

<Becoming a Better Writer: study and learn from the following documents before submitting yor written work.>
EXAMPLE: Suggestive illustration of how one could think and write more clearly, critically and creatively
EXAMPLE: Suggestive Illustration of Active Reading: Don't just look at words but process and reorganise them in your head. 


08/28 Administrative Orientation
Greetings; Advance Planning

08/30 What is Philosophy?
Bring to Class a Text of Your Choice, and be Prepared to Discuss Key Points You've Discovered.
In-class Material: What is Philosophy? (Video from Australasian Association of Philosophy)

09/04 Some Examples? Pick At least Three from the Following Thirteen Samples Below And Enjoy the Taste.
01 Read: Aquinas, excerpt, "All Things Are Directed to One God," from Summa Theologica
02 Read: Fulghum, excerpt, "Moving is a Blow to My Self-Image," from All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
03 Read: Hegel, excerpt, "Certainty at the Level of Sense Experience,"from The Phenomenology of Spirit
04 Read: Hurston, "How It Feels To Be Colored Me"
05 Read: King, "Letter from a Birmingham Jail"
06 Read: LaoTzu, Tao Te Ching
07 Read/Watch: Linklater, Waking Life (Film)
08 Read: Nozick, "Why Do Intellectuals Oppose Capitalism?"
09 Read: Phillips, excerpt, "Why Ask Why," from Socrates Cafe: A Fresh Taste of Philosophy
10 Read: Plato, excerpt, "Dialogue between Diaotima and Socrates on Love," from Symposium
11 Read: Russell, "Why I Am Not a Christian"
12 Read: Sartre, "New York, the Colonial City"
13 Read: Wisdom, "the Meanings and Questions of Life"

09/06 So, What Does it Mean to Think, Read and Write Philosophically? And What Could be My Style?
Class Discussion Based on the Readings So Far.

09/11 Writing Workshop
A Sample Analysis of Good/Bad Writings
Lecture Note: Guideline for Philosophical Writing

09/13 Holiday. No Class

09/18 Holiday. No Class


09/20 What is Logically Fishy: Philosopher as a Fallacy Detective I
Lecture Note: Fallacies - Overviews and Examples (Material From UCC Writing Center)

09/25 What is Logically Fishy: Philosopher as a Fallacy Detective II
Lecture Note: 25 Key Fallacies - List with Examples

09/27 Exam #1

10/02 Appearance and Reality
Read: Russell, excerpt, "Appearance and Reality," from Problems of Philosophy
Lecture Note: Branches of Phil, Propositions, Isms
Lecture Note: Russell on Appearance and Reality

10/04 Plato's Theory of "Form" or Logos: of Truth, Belief and Knowledge
Read: Plato, excerpt, Theaetetus 200-201 and Meno 97-99
Optional Read: Watch Maya Angelou talk about her inspirational uncle and his enthusiasm for mathematics. (Video, 7 mins)
Lecture Note: Plato on Knowledge: Jusfied True Belief
In-class Material: Plato's Allegory of the Cave - a Unique Interpretation

10/09 Plato's Theory of Form and the Question of Justice
Read: Plato, excerpt, Bk4-7 of the Republic Or You can read any other versions of The Republic that are widely available on-line or in print.
Lecture Note: Platonic Puzzle - One and Many - Justice in Republic

10/11 Language and Perception
Read: Swift, "Getting Rid of Words"
Read: Lakoff and Johnson, excerpt, "Metaphors We Live By," from Metaphors We Live By

10/16 (En)gendering Knowledge
Read: Code, excerpt, "The Sex of the Knower," from What Can She Know

10/18 Exam #2 AND 1st Paper Due
cf. Writing Samples: Five Examples: Scores 1-5, bad to good.


10/23 Being: Parmenides
Read: Parmenides' Poems, Fragments
Lecture Note: Parmenides vs. Heraclitus: Two Different Ontological World-Views
In-class Material: Jacques Derrida on the Ontology of Love: What Does it Mean to "Be in Love"?
In-class Material: Philosophy of Being

10/25 Being in Flux: Heraclitus
Read: Fragments
Lecture Note: Parmenides vs. Heraclitus: Two Different Ontological World-Views

10/30 Being in Time: LaoTzu, Aristotle, the Stoics and St. Agustine I
Read: excerpts, Being in Time
Lecture Note: Time Across time: LaoTzu, Aristotle, the Stoics and Augustine
Supplementary: Alan Lightman on "Absolute Time," Excerpt from Einstein's Dreams

11/01 Being in Time: LaoTzu, Aristotle, the Stoics and St. Agustine II
Read: excerpts, Being in Time
Lecture Note: Time Across time: LaoTzu, Aristotle, the Stoics and Augustine
Supplementary: Alan Lightman on "Absolute Time," Excerpt from Einstein's Dreams

11/06 Being Repeated: Buddhist Philosophy of Time and Karmic Circle I
In-Class Film: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring
Optional: Read Lightman, Einstein's Dreams (copies available at the College Library)

11/08 Being Repeated: Buddhist Philosophy of Time and Karmic Circle II
In-Class Film: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring
Optional: Read Lightman, Einstein's Dreams (copies available at the College Library)
Lecture Note: Buddhism

11/13 Discussion of Buddhist Philosophy (and the Film)
Lecture Note: Buddhism

11/15 Being "Me" or Otherwise: Who Am I?
Read: Locke, excerpt, "Of Identity and Diversity," from Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Lecture Note: Locke on Personal Identity - Key Passages
Read: de Beauvoir, excerpt, "I am a Woman," Introduction to the Second Sex
Lecture Note: de Beauvoir - A Few Guiding Questions

11/20 Exam #3: Submit a hard copy to 325T, 9am-5pm
Readjusted Assignments: Exams and Papers

11/22 Thanksgiving Holiday. No Class


11/27 Taoist Insight into the Art of Inaction and "Being in the Flow"
Read: and look for relevant passages in LaoTzu, Tao Te Ching

11/29 Being and Doing Good: Aristotle's Ethics
Read: Aristotle, excerpt, "Being and Doing Good," from Nicomachean Ethics

12/04 Doing a Presentation
Student Presentations

12/06 Doing a Presentation
Student Presentations

12/11 2nd Paper Due: Submit a hard copy to 325T, 9am-5pm
cf. Writing Samples: Five Examples: Scores 1-5, bad to good.